Stress Urinary Incontinence Treatment in India

Stress Urinary Incontinence is a condition when one loses some amount of urine unintentionally. This loss of urine occurs, generally, during activities like coughing, sneezing, heavy lifting, or running. Stress Incontinence (SI) is most often found in older women who are heading to the menopausal or post-menopausal period. It is important to note that Stress Incontinence is unlike urge incontinence which is caused by the contraction of the bladder. Besides, stress incontinence happens due to physical stress and not because of psychological stress.

What Causes Stress Urinary Incontinence?

Stress Urinary Incontinence is more common in women than men and occurs due to some physical changes. The following can be the causes of Stress Urinary Incontinence-

•  Childbirth
•  Prostate Surgery
•  Menopause
•  Menstruation
•  Obesity
•  Issues with bladder muscles
•  Chronic coughing and sneezing

In addition to these, there are a number of factors that increase the risk of developing Stress Urinary Incontinence such as the weakening of muscles and physical changes due to aging, vaginal delivery, pelvic surgery, and frequent smoking.

When should you see a doctor?

The symptoms of Stress Urinary Incontinence are easy to understand as any activity that involves physical pressure leads to urine leakage. When SUI gets severe, it results in urine loss in the regular activities like walking, standing up, and bending over. Forceful activities like laughing, running, and lifting worsens the situation. This unintentional urine leakage could be from few drops to squirt.

How can one diagnose Stress Urinary Incontinence?

The diagnosis of SUI can be done with the help of a cough stress test in which the doctors observe urine loss when you cough or sneeze. In addition to this, a urine sample is taken to test any kind of infection, blood loss in urine, or other abnormalities. A brief neurological test is also required to understand the pelvic nerve problems. If you are observing the symptoms of SUI, it is suggested that you maintain a urinary diary to keep a record of urination on the everyday basis.

Stress Urinary Incontinence Treatment

A number of treatment strategies are required to cure Stress Urinary Incontinence. These include behavior therapies, use of control devices, medication, and surgery in case of severe SUI.

1. Therapy

In most of the cases, doctors suggest Kegel exercises. Kegel exercises are muscle exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor and sphincter. It requires a professional therapist to perform the exercises correctly. Furthermore, doctors suggest keeping a limit on fluid consumption and avoid the alcoholic and caffeinated drinks as these affect the bladder quickly.

2. Control devices

One of the devices used to control SUI is vaginal pessary that is placed at urethra by the doctor to prevent urine leakage during any physical activity. It also needs regular cleaning and prevention. Other urethral inserts are also used to during heavy physical activities.

3. Medication

A special medication is given by the doctors to SUI patients to relax the bladder muscle so that it can increase its capacity to hold more amount of urine. However, there is no approved medication for the direct treatment of SUI.

4. Surgery

The final option for the treatment of SUI is surgery that includes injecting bulking agents to the urethra in order to improve the closure of sphincter. The abdominal incision for lifting the bone or ligament to support the tissues and sling procedure are also surgical methods to treat SUI.

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